Medical Meditations

The powerful health benefits of regular Meditation are well documented around the world. Here we offer ‘Medical Meditations’ for individuals diagnosed with specific conditions, to provide support and enhancement to your treatment regime; whether conventional or alternative.

For best effect we recommend the use of headphones and also suggest that you listen to the relevant recording once a day (wherever possible), allowing yourself the time and space to fully absorb the healing benefits of Meditation.

In the right circumstances and environment, the physical body’s ability to heal itself arises of its own accord. Every day, new regenerative cells are born and over time, the physical body completely renews itself, allowing for significant healing to occur. Much of this healing is connected to our state of mind, our thought patterns and our belief systems. As our mind and body come back into balance, we can experience the potential of our lives.

*Please note that no claims are made regarding the curative nature of these Guided Meditations. These are no substitute for ongoing personal healthcare. These recordings are offered as an adjunct to assist and support those with their individual healing journey.

Relief from

Relief from ME / CFS Guided Meditation

Duration: 33:58

Re-energise, Re-vitalise, Re-Source your life with this sun-based, uplifting Guided Meditation.

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Relief from
Huntington’s Disease

Relief from Huntington's Disease Guided Meditation

Duration: 38:56

Experience the Deep Stillness of Your Very Being and enjoy a healing nostalgic inner journey in this beautiful and gentle Guided Meditation.

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Relief from

Relief from Fibromyalgia Guided Meditation

Duration: 32:06

A focus on relaxation, relief of tension and nurturing self-care in this gentle yet powerful Guided Meditation to aid pain relief.

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